You are welcome to submit a Quaker arts related event using our Submit a new event form, we can also publicise events on our Facebook page.

Creative Writing Group Networking/Buddying

On Zoom , United Kingdom

These sessions are held regularly with varying times to accommodate Friends all over the world. This is an open, online session for Friends to network (or meet and chat). There will be breakout rooms you can pop in and out of to make connections with each other. Hopefully this will lead to opportunities to organise

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Story Weaving with George Fox: learning and growing


Have you ever wondered which profession George Fox learned? What did you encounter on your own learning paths? This is an invitation to experience ourselves as part of the living Quaker history and community through storytelling. In this session we will use a simple practice called ’Story Weaving’. Story Weaving was developed by Forest Therapy

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Creative Writing Workshop – Finding our Ground

On Zoom , United Kingdom

An online expressive writing workshop - for different ways of connecting with ourselves and others. Monday 25 March 2024 6.15 to 8.15pm, via Zoom This workshop is open to all, regardless of writing experience. I will structure the session with writing prompts and texts to help us explore the theme of groundedness, and to stimulate

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Trial By Jury: commemorating the Penn and Mead trial

Monument Gracechurch Street, London, United Kingdom

On the morning of 7th April, Quakers will gather by the Monument to the Great Fire of London, near Gracechurch Street in the City of London, to re-create an event from early Quaker History. The  1670 trial of William Penn and William Mead established the right of a jury to convict or acquit according to

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Loving Earth Exhibition at Wareham Library

Wareham Public Library South Street, Wareham, United Kingdom

25 textile art panels made locally as part of the Loving Earth Project will be on display in Wareham library . Please check the library website for opening times

Story Weaving with George Fox: departures


Have you ever wondered why George Fox left home? What moved you to set off on a life journey? This is an invitation to experience ourselves as part of the living Quaker history and community through storytelling. In this session we will use a simple practice called ’Story Weaving’. Story Weaving was developed by Forest

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Graffiti as Witness: The Art and Activism of a Quaker Pirate – Lecture at Pendle Hill

Pendle Hill 338 Plush Mill Road, Wallingford, PA, United States

Join Friend Todd Drake as he shares his lifelong journey and witness as a visual artist and social justice activist. Drake’s practice of witnessing and facing life’s great sadnesses with creative practice offers us all another North Star on our own journeys. He will speak to how he has been shaped by this practice, from

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Moving into Silence: Yoga Retreat in the South of France

Maison Quaker, 11 Avenue des Quakers, 30111 Congénies, France Maison Quaker, 11 Avenue des Quakers,, Congénies, France

Moving into Silence Dates: Saturday 11 May to Friday 17 May 2024 Treat yourself to a week of yoga ~ Relax, Restore, and Rejuvenate In a world that seems to be moving ever faster it is vital that we take time out, slow down, and restore In this Yoga retreat, we will use a wide

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Loving Earth Project Okehampton

Immersion 40 Fore Street, Okehampton, Devon, United Kingdom

View the Loving Earth Project textile panels in Okehampton, Devon. The venue is Immersion where the panels will be displayed in a wonderful space. It is free and accessible. Virtual reality sessions will be run by Immersion where visitors can dip into nature experiences.