You are welcome to submit a Quaker arts related event using our Submit a new event form, we can also publicise events on our Facebook page.
Sing and Rejoice: George Fox, the English Civil Wars and the Beginnings of Quakerism
Quaker Tapestry Museum Quaker Tapestry Ltd, Friends Meeting House, Stramongate, Kendal, Cumbria, United KingdomQuaker Tapestry Museum is celebrating the 400th Anniversary of George Fox’s birth with this year’s special exhibition Sing and Rejoice: George Fox, the English Civil Wars and the Beginnings of
The Pendle Hill Chorus: O, Mystery! Music for the Soul
Pendle Hill 338 Plush Mill Road, Wallingford, PA, United StatesThe Pendle Hill Chorus: O, Mystery! Music for the Soul Sep 11, 2024 In person event. A non-audition community chorus. “We work hard and have a good time.” The theme
Activist Alphabet
Friends House 177 Euston Rd, Euston, London, United KingdomActivist Alphabet is an exhibition of 26 prints and poems created as a response to climate change. The aim of the Alphabet is to help people connect with their own
Loving Earth Exhibition
LewesQuakerMeetingHouse Friars Walk, Lewes, East Sussex, United KingdomLewes Friends present a Loving Earth Exhibition, open to the public every Saturday in November, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Lewes Friends are delighted to host this exhibition as well
George Fox 400: The Fire and the Hammer
Central Manchester Meeting 6 Mount Street, Manchester, United KingdomThis is a cantata which tells the story of the early life of George Fox and the beginnings of Quakerism. Originally written by Tony Biggin and Alec Davison for the
Charlotte Woolford – Mal Woolford – No Relation
Westminster Friends Meeting House 52 St Martins Lane, London, United KingdomIn their ongoing photographic project, Charlotte Woolford and Mal Woolford respond to their personal connection through historic transatlantic chattel slavery. Knowing each other from the school run, they discovered by
Charlotte Woolford – Mal Woolford – No Relation
Westminster Friends Meeting House 52 St Martins Lane, London, United KingdomIn their ongoing photographic project, Charlotte Woolford and Mal Woolford respond to their personal connection through historic transatlantic chattel slavery. Knowing each other from the school run, they discovered by
Poetry reading as spiritual practice
Poetry can expand our awareness of the visible and the invisible. This gentle Woodbrooke online retreat led by Tracey Martin will give participants the opportunity to spend time alone and
Charlotte Woolford – Mal Woolford – No Relation
Westminster Friends Meeting House 52 St Martins Lane, London, United KingdomIn their ongoing photographic project, Charlotte Woolford and Mal Woolford respond to their personal connection through historic transatlantic chattel slavery.Knowing each other from the school run, they discovered by chance
Creative Writing Group: Quaker Artists
On Zoom , United KingdomJoin Gary Sandman in this talk about his book about Quaker Artists. Did you know… that Judi Dench, James Michener and Annie Oakley were Quakers? that Joan Baez, Ben Kingsley