You are welcome to submit a Quaker arts related event using our Submit a new event form, we can also publicise events on our Facebook page.

Autumn Art Retreat in the South of France

Maison Quaker, 11 Avenue des Quakers, 30111 Congénies, France Maison Quaker, 11 Avenue des Quakers,, Congénies, France

September 22-27, 2024 All levels all 2D media For artists and friends of artists! Held at the Maison Quaker between the Cevennes mountains and the Mediterranean Sea A very special week, in a very special place! Our retreat facilitator this Autumn is Kate Hale, an established artist and teacher. Kate works with drawing, painting, textiles,

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Make and Create in Norfolk

St Peter and St Paul's Church Church road, East Harling, Norfolk, United Kingdom

At the Make and Create Day, alongside the Loving Earth exhibition, you will have the chance to make your own panel – from the simplest stick on design to the more intricate and skilled or join in making a giant tapestry with our own hand dyed wool. No previous experience required! All materials will be

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Loving Earth Exhibition Loughton

Loughton Methodist Church 260 High Road, Loughton, Essex, United Kingdom

Loving Earth Exhibition at Loughton Methodist Church 10 -21 October 2024 The Loving Earth Project celebrates some of the wonderful things threatened by growing environmental breakdown: people, places, creatures, and other things we love. The exhibition comprises fabric panels made as by communities all over the UK and abroad. Each panel is accompanied by the

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Creative Writing Group Presentation: A Kind of Family by Bonnie Meekums

On Zoom , United Kingdom

Bonnie will present a talk about her book which involves a Quaker character and Quaker wedding. Available on Amazon: 'Love…Loss…Hope… Following the death of her parents, Rachel leans on her brother as her only living relative. Until a message arrives telling her that he’s focusing on his family, and she needs to find her

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Music Week at Maison Quaker

Maison Quaker, 11 Avenue des Quakers, 30111 Congénies, France Maison Quaker, 11 Avenue des Quakers,, Congénies, France

Autumn Music Week with Eli and Loes 26 October - 3 November 2024 Musical explorations for voice and instruments ~ All levels Held at the Maison Quaker between the Cévennes mountains and the Mediterranean Sea A very special week, in a very special place! We are very excited to welcome Eli and Loes to the

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Music in the South of France

Maison Quaker, 11 Avenue des Quakers, 30111 Congénies, France Maison Quaker, 11 Avenue des Quakers,, Congénies, France

Autumn Music Week with Eli and Loes 27 October - 2 November 2024 Musical explorations for voice and instruments ~ All levels Held at the Maison Quaker between the Cevennes mountains and the Mediterranean Sea A very special week, in a very special place! We are very excited to welcome Eli and Loes to the

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Creative Writing Group: Robin Attfield Author Talk

On Zoom , United Kingdom

Join Robin in a presentation about his work. Details can be found on the website: ‘Robin and Leela have travelled widely all over the world, beginning when Robin taught philosophy for a year (1972 – 73) at what was then the University of Ife in Nigeria. Their first two children went to a multinational

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Creative Writing Group: Poetry Workshop with Peter Street

On Zoom , United Kingdom

Join Peter Street for a poetry workshop. Peter has published multiple books and also writes as a war poet. He has overcome challenges and offers great insight. This Guardian article describes Peter’s writing career. ‘His life story is that of an itinerant autodidact, with shades of The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists and Thomas Hardy's Jude.

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George Fox 400: The Fire and the Hammer

Central Manchester Meeting 6 Mount Street, Manchester, United Kingdom

This is a cantata which tells the story of the early life of George Fox and the beginnings of Quakerism. Originally written by Tony Biggin and Alec Davison for the Leaveners Quaker Youth Theatre, we thought it would be a good way to celebrate George Fox's 400th birthday. It is written for four-part chorus, tenor

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