You are welcome to submit a Quaker arts related event using our Submit a new event form, we can also publicise events on our Facebook page.

Moving with Nature.

Anderby Creek Beach, Lincolnshire Anderby Creek, Skegness, United Kingdom

A 2-hour in person movement workshop at Anderby Creek beach in Lincolnshire drawing on a variety of movement practices and nature/forest-bathing. You will be invited to deepen your connection with nature and the elements through gently-guided non-extractive approaches grounded in quiet contemplation. Book here: We will be exploring, expanding and deepening the ways in which

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Pay what you can afford

Meeting for Worship Through Dance


In the spirit of adventure and exploration we are offering a chance to embody our responses to what is going on for us at the moment. Live music from Robin Bowles will support and respond to the movement. We will start with a time to warm up our muscles and get our bodies moving. There

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Meeting for Worship Through Dance


In the spirit of adventure and exploration we are offering a chance to embody our responses to what is going on for us at the moment. Live music from Robin Bowles will support and respond to the movement. We will start with a time to warm up our muscles and get our bodies moving. There

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“I breathe, I let go, I discover”

The Place, 17 Duke's Rd, London WC1H 9PY The Place, London WC1H 9PY, London, United Kingdom

Chantraine dance all-day workshop in London (near Kings Cross Station). All are welcome to come and dance together - new to Chantraine, beginners and experienced dancers, and children from 8 in the afternoon. Chantraine is dance for the harmony of the whole human being - physical, intellectual, emotional AND spiritual. All enquiries to


Meeting for Worship Through Dance


In the spirit of adventure and exploration we are offering a chance to embody our responses to what is going on for us at the moment. Live music from Robin Bowles will support and respond to the movement. We will start with a time to warm up our muscles and get our bodies moving. There

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