We are a network of volunteers.  You can join us simply by sending an email to You can support us in several ways:


Membership of QAN is currently free.   We rely on donations.  

From time to time we also fundraise for particular projects supported by QAN.

We are currently seeking to raise funds to support the cost of hiring and running a QAN gazebo at Greenbelt 2024. If you would like to donate specifically for this, please indicate this to the treasurer – see below.  

Please consider making a donation to Quaker Arts Network. If you plan to hold a fundraising event, please let us know, at


Payments for donations or purchases can be made by Paypal and also  directly to our account at CAF bank:

Account Name: Quaker Arts Network
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00036979

If you make a payment, please email to tell them whether the payment is to support a particular project, such as the Loving Earth Project, to pay for a purchase or booking, or a donation for general purposes . 

Cheques should be made out to Quaker Arts Network and sent to the QAN Treasurer, Cherry Simpkin, 78 Courtlands Avenue, London, SE12 8JA. Please also drop the treasurer a line to say what the payment is for- whether a donation or other payment for .

As we are a Quaker Recognised  Body (recognised by Britain Yearly Meeting) Meetings are able to make donations to QAN. Donations from individuals are also most welcome. We have recently become a registered charity, number 1202268, and are preparing to set up a Gift Aid scheme.

Our Annual Reports and accounts on our Documents page

SHARING INFORMATION ABOUT QUAKER ARTS EVENTS: Please Put details of exhibitions, courses, creative activities that you know of on our website and/or Facebook page . If they are there in good time people are more likely to see them! From time to time we will advertise these in the Friend magazine and elsewhere. And of course come along yourself if there’s something in your area.

JOIN QAN to receive newsletters, and tell your Friends about QAN and events. You can also share news, resources and experience through Facebook @QuakerArts. Our Facebook group is a good way to introduce yourself and your arts interests or creations to other Friends .

VOLUNTEERING We are glad to have offers of help with administrative tasks, with particular projects or to share experience/advise on specific matters, when needed. Drop us a line at and let us know a bit about yourself if you think you’d like to get involved. We also aim to bring new people into our committee regularly, so let us know if that appeals to you or if you know someone for whom this might be the right time.