Quaker Arts Network is a Quaker Recognised Body of Britain Yearly Meeting and a registered charity ,  Charity Number 1202268.

A Steering Committee, composed of the following Friends, meets regularly, and organises an AGM and a presence at Yearly Meeting; other groups undertake particular projects.
Clerk: position currently vacant
Assistant Clerk: Kate Green (North East Thames AM), Trustee
Treasurer: Cherry Simkin (South East London AM), Trustee
Linda Murgatroyd (Kingston and Wandsworth AM), Trustee
John Lampen (Central England AM ), Trustee
Sean Jacke (NW London AM), Trustee
Amanda Jones (Devon AM), Trustee
David Curtis (Hampshire and Islands AM)

Our constitution is available here.

As well as publicising Quaker arts events and initiatives more generally, from time to time the QAN establishes and runs its own projects, sometimes in partnership with others. In each case, a QAN trustee takes responsibility for the project, reporting back to trustees and the AGM as appropriate. Current projects are listed here .

Safeguarding Policy: While we welcome people of all ages to our events, we do not take responsibility for children and young people who participate. This is the responsibility of their parents/guardians, or of another responsible adult appointed by them. We have been reminded of the needs of vulnerable adults and will address them in our planning where appropriate. (Minute 8 of November 2020 QAN committee meeting)

Data Protection: We collect data only for the purpose of communicating with our members and those attending our events. We hold this data securely and use it solely for the necessary administration of our charity and its events. We never share such data with any other organisation.

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